Dive into the story of Merlin

Find out more about Merlin in Scotland

Scottish Borders in Scotland UK

I travel a lot with my friend Scotlandcrawler (Alesia) and recently, she wrote a nice article about the background story of Merlin and what this has to do with the Scottish borders. The Scottish borders is just a bit more of an hour away from Edinburgh and a great place to visit. If you are interested to learn more about the history of Merlin with a bonus picture of her cute dog, make sure to click the link: MERLIN'S TRAIL, THE LAST DAYS OF WIZARD

It is definitely worth it to check out her travel blog in general. She writes about her passion and love for Scotland. We are both going to the Isle of Skye next weekend and we have so much fun travelling around Scotland, singing along with songs on the radio and having fun. In addition, both of our passion has to do with finding new ways to photograph, film short clips and we try to put our thoughts on paper to write about our different views of these beautiful places within Scotland. I am definitely looking forward to the Isle of Skye, and will write and share more pictures about it in two weeks time. We will visit the highlights as the Quiring, the Fairy Pools but also more local hidden spots. In addition, at the end of March, it is time for us to fly to Iceland and explore the whole Island for a week. So, you can definitely say that we both like to travel and keep exploring in as well as outside of Scotland.

So stay tuned for our new adventures and make sure to not forget to regularly check both of our blogs!


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